Eagle Up Productions is the record label and brand founded by recording artist Tim Blakeney in 2022. It is the platform for all of his intellectual art and performances. But the concept is much bigger than music, social media reels, and tee-shirts. The phrase 'Eagle Up' comes from a lyric Tim wrote in a song called "Fly", and it represents rising above the mirage of this world. Seeing beyond the illusion. Escaping the "matrix", so to speak, in which we are seduced. With the growing advancements in automation and artificial intelligence and its inevitable impact on our day to day lives, Tim sought to create a brand that all of us can relate to and a movement we can get behind. Picture the world as an allegory in which the plots of the movies The Terminator and The Matrix collide. A world in which humanity is subdued and manipulated by the distraction of algorithms and virtual vanity. Replacing our desires to live, love, and laugh with a compulsion to sit, stare, and buy. A lie purchased in vain. Driven by his belief that there is much more to our existence than just our time in this planet, the company slogan "Rise Above the Sky Net", simply means to elevate our minds above the cares of this world, namely the lies of this world. To not live in fear, but to thrive through love, and dare to believe there's a Creator who has a bigger plan and purpose for us all. 'Eagle Up' is a metaphor that represents rising above this world. Now is the time to EAGLE UP!